Asli Cavusoglu
printed on 12" LP, 7'16", 2009
Winning Bid
sanatciya ozel bir taki tasarlayacagim / Special designed jewelry for artis
printed on 12" LP, 7'16", 2009
sanatciya ozel bir taki tasarlayacagim / Special designed jewelry for artis
sana ozel ARABESK turde bir sarki besteleyip kaydedecegimA specially composed and recorded 'arabesk' song plaktaki tum kelimeleri iceren bir siir yazarim.I will write a poem with all the words in the record. 191/205 parcasina klip video.Video clip for 191/205 yazi - ceviri - editing isleri yapilir. bir kereye mahsus. Writing - translation - editing work for one time. Bir edisyonuna sahip oldugum bu sergide de yer alan bir yapit ( yapitiniz ile cok guzel konusuydor)An edition of a piece I have in this exhibition. (its in dialogue with your piece) Turgut Ozal'in ruhu!soul of Turgut Ozal ! Sanatciya bir yil boyunca her ay posta ile bir cizim yapip gonderme taahhutu. www.irmakcanevi.comI will send you one of my drawings by post each month for one year. Istanbul'dan bu sozleri iceren 191 kartpostal. (kendi fotograflarim) 191 postcards of Istanbul photos with those words (my own photos) mobese kameraMobese camera koleksiyonumdan secilmis bir kayit ve ya bir uyesi tarafindan imzalanmis Clash kaydi.A record from my collection or a signed Clash record of your choice. (signed by one member, not all of them) 10 seans Reiki10 sessions of Reiki voulez vous coucher avec moi?!Voulez vous coucher avec moi?! bir isinde sanatci asistanligi.Assistance on your next piece. portre cekimi + baski teslimi.portrait shoot + print delivered Makale yada soylesiArticle or interview. Sanatciya arzu ettigi biriyle beraber yazlik evimde yazin 1 gece agirlama - full pansiyonOne night accomodation for the artist + guest at my summer house all meals included.