Barter History
Sana zamanla ilgili uzun bir siir yazarim.I will write you a long poem about time. Sedef adasindaki evimde sanatci ve 4 arakdasini kendi arakdaslarimla birlikte Barbeku ve icki esliginde agirlamaBBQ & drinks (during the day) for the artist and 4 of their friends at my house in Sedef Adasi with my gang 10 x 10 kagit uzerine desen 2013.10 x 10 cm drawing on paper, 2013 Almanya'da bir agac dikip, agaca sanatcinin ismini verecegim.Plant a tree named after the artist in Germany Sanatciya itafen yapilmis "Art for Friends" kapsaminda bir video (diger islerimi gormek icin video dedicadet to artist under 'Art for Friends ' project. (to see my other works polonya'da gol kenari bir ormanda kucuk ahsap bir evde bir hafta (konaklama + yiyecek + eylence)One week in a small wooden house in the forest at a beautiful lake in poland (accomodation+ food+ entertainment) Bir edisyonuna sahip oldugum bu sergide de yer alan bir yapit ( yapitiniz ile cok guzel konusuydor)An edition of a piece I have in this exhibition. (its in dialogue with your piece) Sanarciya bir yil boyunca her ay posta ile bir cizim yapip gonderme taahhutu. www.irmakcanevi.comI will send you one of my drawings by post each month for one year. paris te 9uncu bolgedeki muhtesem dairemde 4 gun. (1 yatak odali, istege bagli olarak fotograf yollayabilirim, 2 ay oncesinden bildiriniz lutfen)4 nights in a beautiful loft in Paris 9th (pics available on request) 1 bedroom, 2 months notice / apartment free) Senin istegine gore ozel olarak mayalanlamis yaklasik 30 siseye tekamul eden bira. One custom brewed batch of beer (about 30 bottles), type is up to you Hukuki danismanlik teklifi (Fikri mulkiyet hakkinda)Legal counselling, (regarding intellectual property rights). 10 seans Reiki10 sessions of Reiki 5 yoga dersi + 2 siir (bu aralar yoga derslerime hep gec kaldigimdan eserinizi cok begendim)5 yoga classes + 2 poems (Im late to my yoga classes these days because I so love your work) 1 ay boyunca haftada 2 saat italyanca dersi.Italian lessons for a month 2 hours in a week. isin diger edisyonlarindan satmak icin elimden geleni yaparim.I will do my best to sell all the editions of your work. Istedigin herhangi bir ulkeye gidis-donus ucak bileti! Tarihler gidis tarihinden en az 6 ay once konusulacak. Gidilecek yerde 3 gun konakklama masrafi karsilanack. gunluk konaklama bedeli 200$ asmayacak.Round-trip ticket for any country you want to go. Dates has to known at least 6 moths ago.3 days accomodation, coats of accomadition shouldn't over 200 $ Bashekim'in iksiri, genc kadin HUSUSI ve erkeklere.The Bashekim elixir, especial for young women and men. Gecikmeme izin vermeniz satiryla ne isterseniz o.Anything you want if you allow me to be late. Orijinal albumlerden olusan 100 GB'a yakin muzik arsivimi oneriyorum.i'll upload my full music library (+/- 100 GB) entire high quality albums only portre cekimi + baski teslimi.portrait shoot + print delivered Sanatcinin gec kalma, zaman vs. konulu, baska konular da olabilir) isleri icin video produkyonu, montaj + Tel Aviv'de ve Bati Seria'da bir hafta bedava gezdirme + ev.Video production and montage for all time themed and other works of the artist + one week free tour of Tel Aviv and West Bank + accomodation Paylasim ekonomisini anlatabilirim. Hayattan keyif almanin metodlarini anlatabilirim. I can tell you about gift economy. I can reveal methods on ways to enjoy life. A list of cheap and cheerful restaurants in Istanbul.