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Chin Up (Margo Stilley in Mustique)

A1 framed print

60x85 cm

Winning Bid

Once a month 1 hour holistic massage session for a year

Barter History

-One day at the sea\
-An epic music selection containing 10 CDs (suited to the picture)
-My acoustic guitar 'Norman'
-A custom-made lycra bodysuit (superhero/favourite colours.any design from Kansas city)
-I will work in your Garden for one week and take pictures -Manuscript of a novel
I will pose for your next piece
-1 or two artworks of your choice from
-twenty-five open-handed slaps to body part of choice
-my first born
-I can communicate with animals through intuitive telepathic methods. If you want to know something about your pet or improve your relationship, we could work on it -dinner with Bono and Oprah in LA -10 orders of Tony Rona's in cold Berlin nights -one year of private karate lessonsat your house -a mixtape +road trip in France for you and lover and an exhibition in my berlin gallery