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Karina Juarez

Casa II, Oaxaca

Digital photographic print, 2015

30 x 20 cm

Winning Bid

-A picture of my autorship.

Barter History

-8 hours of text translation or in-person interpretation in Mexico City or Oaxaca (Eng.-Span/Span-Eng.)
-2 months of Spanish lessons for foreigners (1 day a week, 1:30 hrs)
-3 days of company, includes poetry reading of my authorship, laughter, mainly intimacy of the way the artist wants.
-A framed engraving of my authorship + a tour of the SISMACC workshops in Celaya, in the engraving workshop (Does not include per diem, nor lodging).
-50k dms, alternative coin, 10 coins of 5k dms- (art project)
-A reading of your poem or story of choice, in person in Oaxaca or cdmx or a recording.
-An illustration of mine and blowing bubbles in downtown mexico city.
-A surprise photograph print of the same size.
-10 cans of premium tea with 50 grams of tea each or a kit to make matcha tea.