Sigaralar, sigara paketleri ve kibritler / Cigarettes, cigarette boxes and matches, 2012-2013
Winning Bid
Barter History
sana ozel arabesk turunde bir sarki besteleyecegim ve bu sarki sana mutluluk getirecek I will compose an "Arabesque" style song for you and this song will bring you happiness.
Ufakliklarla haftasonu tatili. Nereye gidelecegine sen karar ver. A weekend away with the little ones. You decide where we will go.
1 ay boyunca Bruksel de calistigim galerilere senin tanitimini yapacagim. I will promote you to the galleries I work with in Brussels during a whole month.
Bahara dogru aksam raki-balik esliginde Mustafa kaptan ile halic turu. Towards spring time, Halic tour in a boat with fish and raki
Bir edisyonuna sahip oldugum bu sergide de yer alan bir yapit ( yapitiniz ile cok guzel konusuydor) An edition of a piece I have in this exhibition. (its in dialogue with your piece)
Sigaralardan yapilmis bir 30 x 30 tual. Joao Leonardo ve Mike Mike ortak yapimi. One 30x30 canvas collaboration by Joao Leonardo / Mike Mike (made from cigarettes)
Senin istegine gore ozel olarak mayalanlamis yaklasik 30 siseye tekamul eden bira. One custom brewed batch of beer (about 30 bottles), type is up to you
Bir sergi metni uzerinde sanatciyla beraber calismayi ya da bir residency basvurusunda yardim etmeyi oneriyorum. I would like to work on an exhibition text with the artist or help them apply to a residency program.
Kahve 6 Cihangir sen + 4 veya 10 arkadasinla birlikte yemek / fransizca dersleri/ buyuk babam 1946 oncesi Cezayir de Bastos un sahibiydi o yzuden cok sevdim ve cok istiyorum! A dinner with me in Kahve 6 Cihangir (or anywhere else) + 4 or 10 (up to you) French lessons (my grand grande father was the owner of Bastos in Algeria before 1946 so I really like it! and want it)
Evde aksam yemegi. Dinner in the house.
20 saat davul dersleri (baslangictan orta seviyeye kadar) 20 hours of drum kit lessons (beginner to intermediate level)
Gerceklestirceginiz bir projeye ozel yan urun tasarimlari. Proje icin uretilecek canta, paket. Specially made accessory items for a project you will create. Bags or packs specially made for the project. websitesile hotel de 3 gece konaklama (eser durekli olarak bu otelde sergilenecek) 3 night stay at (Art will be permanently exhibited in La Ferme)
4 x 1.25 saatlik derin doku yada rahatlama masaji yada ikisi de! 4 x 1.25 hr theraputic deep tissue massage / relaxation massage / combo
ic hatlar kokpit ucusu - boeing 738 w - biletler icinde cockpit ride on a dometic flight - boeing 738w - tickets included
Italyanca cevirisi uzerine calistigim Tutunamayanlar kitabinda tesekkur edecegim nadir isimlerden biri olacaksin. (2014 de yayinlanmasi umidiyle) I will include your between the few people I will thank in the book when my italian translation of Tutunamayanlar will be published (hopefully 2014)
Sigaralar esliginde tarihi yeniden yazalim. Let's re-write history with the company of cigarettes.
portre cekimi + baski teslimi. portrait shoot + print delivered
1 kerelik restorasyon, dekorasyon, tadilat konularinda danismanlik ve maaliyetine uygulama. A one time consult on restoration, decoration or remodeling issues and implementation without profits.
Paylasim ekonomisini anlatabilirim. Hayattan keyif almanin metodlarini anlatabilirim. Istanbul'da ucuz, lezzetli restoranlar. I can tell you about gift economy. I can reveal methods on ways to enjoy life. A list of cheap and cheerful restaurants in Istanbul.
Biri rumelihisar, biri bebek'te luks restoranlarda 2 yemek ve sahane sohbet. 2 luxury meals at on restaurant in Bebek and another one in Rumelihisar + wonderful conversation.