Art Barter - Pick Up an Emin for a Song (Literally?)
Aby Rosen, a multi-millionaire real estate tycoon and art collector is showing Evening Standard critic Ben Lewis around his collection. Past a corridor of Warhols, Hirsts and Koons, he arrives at the pride of his collection, a recently-purchased Richard Prince. "I love Richard Prince, he's great" says Rosen, folding Sandy Lane-tinted arms across his paunch. "What do you like about this painting?" asks Lewis malevolently. "I like the colouration, you know, the arms, the legs..." Rosen offers evasively, moving Lewis on.
This week's Art Barter exhibition will have the Rosens going pink beneath their perma-tans - it features some of their favourite collectibles, Emin, Turk and Collishaw exhibiting undercover – no names – and available – perhaps literally – for a song.