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Ata Kam

image module zero

c-print magnetic pinned on metal board, 2013, 42x 26cm

Winning Bid

Agirlikli kadin ekipten olusan gezi/yaris teknem 'Belle De Jour' ile egitim, gezi-yeme-icme, antreman, yaris hangilerini secerseniz 2 kez (Istanbul'da). Sailing courses with my competition/touring sai

Barter History

2 gun kafa dinleme tatili, yurtici herhangi bir yer ulasim + konaklama 2 days of restful vacation, anywhere in Turkey, transportation + accomodation Bir edisyonuna sahip oldugum bu sergide de yer alan bir yapit ( yapitiniz ile cok guzel konusuydor) An edition of a piece I have in this exhibition. (its in dialogue with your piece) zubeyir ocakbasinda yemek + 3 ay sure ile ucretsiz hukuki danismanlik Dinner at Zubeyir kebab place + 3 months of legal consultancy. portre cekimi + baski teslimi. portrait shoot + print delivered 90 gun, yil icerisinde, 2 bedava bira Urban Cafe'de 90 days of 2 free beers every time you are at Urban Cafe. To be used within a year.