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Nancy Atakan

A Sea Of Possibilities

book containg 5 Turkish translations, 2007

Winning Bid

A possibility, bir ihtimal, bir imkan... (open) A possibility, an eventuality, a chance... (open)

Barter History

okyanus fotografi (afrika'da cektigim) cercevesiyle Framed ocean photograph (one I took in Africa) Bir edisyonuna sahip oldugum bu sergide de yer alan bir yapit ( yapitiniz ile cok guzel konusuydor) An edition of a piece I have in this exhibition. (its in dialogue with your piece) 2 x 1.25 iyilestirici derin doku masaji ya da rahatlatici masaj + omur boyu 30% indirim. 2 x 1.25 hr theraputic deep-tissue massage or relaxation massage and a life long 25% discount Trabzon'da Rum koyu Soldoy'a Mayis ayi sonunda yapacagimiz doga gezisine davet (ulasim + konaklama) Invitation to our nature trip to a Greek village, Soldoy, in may. Trasportation + accomodation included. portre cekimi + baski teslimi. portrait shoot + print delivered kahkahalarla dolu bir gece. a night filled with out loud laughter. Yelkenli gezi/yaris teknem 'Belle De Jour' ile egitim, gezi-yeme-icme, antreman, yaris hangilerini secerseniz 2 kez. (Istanbul'da) Sailing courses with my competition/touring sailing boat 'Belle De Jour', touring-food-drinks, training, participating to 2 competitions together. Shall we put all these possibilities in action / making them real. Living the poem to tell. Shall we put all these possibilities in action / making them real. Living the poem to tell.