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Zawaj Al Khaleej

black/white piece (ZAK/2)

Winning Bid

I will put your work in a show in Dubai

Barter History

My ultimate 90�s hip hop playlist. 2 life coaching sessions/ Break Through Experience. I will give you light to brighten the dark. I write great policies. I will draft a policy (or procedure) for you. Never know when you�ll need one. To stay in my flat in London for up to a week next time you visit, it is a lovely place in Brixton. Also, a night out on me whilst you are in town (from Lauren). One of my paintings which I hold very dear to my heart. a yummy Moroccan meal & dessert. 10 origami cranes and hearts made especially for you. A piece of my own artwork (if wanted) and a personal assistant this Summer (me) ;) <3.