Staying in Rome and a stage in a glass factory.
Design your personal brand and business cards for you.
Pizza night and telling stories about ‘why’ to my 2 year old son.
My gratitude <3.
A typical cake and ciambella from Romagna, Italy.
A nice cake by @petites_choses.
Original photograph showing bullets in a wall making Lebanon's geography.
I will help you find the light you need and give hope for what is to come.
Full day of pampering at spa or barber.
Do your hand made carpentry, plumbing, painting.
A painting that comes with a riddle.
Unlimited supply of chocolate and hugs.
A haircut, sound production of an of your need or any of my printable works @
Any art advisory consultancy.
I’ll pray for you in the name of God.
My offer is any item from my gratitude collection of fashion dedicated to help cancer patients.
I will write an article about your work.
I will hand in any homework on time, I promise.
Geek out with you over comic book or Star Wars.
I will listen to you.
5 minute song inspired by the artist and 11 chocolate chips cookies.
An afternoon or evening conversation about “Why God, why?”
Love, smiles, hugs, peace <3.
coffee cup reading meal, dayout at spa with pool access.
art work plinth malcing.
Photograph all your work for free + hang out with Timmy :).
Social media marketing pan for 2 weeks.
1 week cycling in Italy (no travel).