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Natalie Edwards

We Puppet

ink on paper, 47 x 40cm, 2013, framed

Winning Bid

paris te 9uncu bolgedeki muhtesem dairemde 4 gun. (1 yatak odali, istege bagli olarak fotograf yollayabilirim, 2 ay oncesinden bildiriniz lutfen) / 4 days in beautiful flat in paris 9th arrondissement

Barter History

dovme - grimmistanbul boyut size kalmis Any size tattoo - grimmistanbul Eserin kukla enstalasyonu (tahta ve iplerle) To create a puppet installation of your work (using wood and strings) Sanatci ve sececegi misafirlerine ozel Buyukada turu. VApurla adalara gidis, iskeleden alinacak sarap, meshur buyukada pastanesi urunleri esliginde ormanda piknik + fayton yada bisiklet turu. Special Prince's islands tour for artist and his/her guests. Come to the island with the steamer than I'll pick them up from pier. Wine with famous Prince island's patisserie's foods. Picnic in the forest + bicycle or coach tour. Capkinliga cikacagimiz bir gece. One night of libertinage. adresinden sececeginiz herhangi bir fotografin buyuk boy baskisi. Large size print of any photo you will choose from Yazi - ceviri - editing isleri yapilir. Bir kereye mahsus. Writing - translation - editing work for one time. Polonya'da gol kenari bir ormanda kucuk ahsap bir evde bir hafta (konaklama + yiyecek + eylence) One week in a small wooden house in the forest at a beautiful lake in poland (accomodation+ food+ entertainment) Fujifilm S 5600 fotograf makinesi. Fujifilm S 5600 camera. Bir edisyonuna sahip oldugum bu sergide de yer alan bir yapit ( yapitiniz ile cok guzel konusuydor) An edition of a piece I have in this exhibition. (its in dialogue with your piece) atolyemde bir gun sanat, sohbet, yeme, icme. One day in my studio: good conversations, art, food and drinks uc ay istanbul' da kalmak icin oda, bir suru bira ve italyan yemegi(en iyisinden) A room to stay in Istanbul for three months and lots of beer and Italian food (the best!) Bir acilisiniz icin size ozel kurabiyeler pisirme. I will bake cookies for one of your openings. 2 Ozel Jivamukti yoga dersi. 2 Private Jivamukti yoga classes Kariyerin icin danismanlik yaparim. Career advice. portre cekimi + baski teslimi. portrait shoot + print delivered 1 Ay boyunca hafatada 3 kez yoga dersi verebilirim. I can teach yoga 3 times a week for a month. Yelkenli gezi/yaris teknem 'Belle De Jour' ile egitim, gezi-yeme-icme, antreman, yaris hangilerini secerseniz 2 kez (Istanbul'da). Sailing courses with my competition/touring sailing boat 'Belle De Jour', touring-food-drinks, training, participating to 2 competitions together.