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Edgar Orlaineta


Felt, 2017

61 x 80 cm

Winning Bid

No exchange made

Barter History

-Cuatro noches dehospedaje en casa de Chicotoño Oaxaca; nosotras cocinamos.
-Photo session of work (15 pieces).
-One week of lodging in my house on San José, Costa Rica.
-A video of two, three minutes. "Fabricaokulta" editing or a 40X30 drawing
-10 prints 60x40 (serigraphic) 2 color CARAVANAGRAPICAMIGRANTE.WORPRESS.COM
-A magazine subscription of your choice for one year
-Design of poster and image for exhibition or presentation.
-Editorial design/work catalogue 20-24 pp
-2 nights in a nice flat in the centre of Paris
-A very lucky brass potato with a mouth
-An original print of mine, part of a 25 edition. Dimensions 30x 40, black ink
-For this nice piece of art I would like to offer you a tour of my hometown Ghent (by a professional guide) and a lunch in a michelin-starred restaurant with copious amounts of food, local beers and wine.